Building a Resilient Business Strategy with the ADAPT By Design Foundations ProgramTM

As a founder or owner of the business do you:  

Feel like a hamster on a wheel with no time to step off and look at the bigger picture?
Feel stuck in the business ‘on the tools’ when you know you should be spending more time on the business to strategise?
Never get around to developing that strategic plan that you know the business needs?
Know that you want to transition out of the business one day, but succession planning is unresolved?
Get frustrated with your management team because they don’t do things your way?
Admit to being a bit of a control freak?

Is your business experiencing:

A poor culture that shows up as high staff turnover, low staff satisfaction and employees not treating each other in a respectful way?

Conflict within the leadership team?
Growing pains. As the business has grown, your informal processes and communication style are no longer cutting it?

Is this sounding familiar?

DOWNLOAD THE ADAPT WAY EBOOK  to discover how the
ADAPT By Design Foundations Program™️
can help you.  

As an ADAPT By Design Coach Partner, I work alongside you to:  

Get clear on your vision, business purpose and values.

Develop and operationalise your strategy.
Create a thriving and healthy workplace culture.
Embed the systems and processes that make your business hum.

Build a high performing leadership team that you trust.

After working with me as an ADAPT coach partner you will…

Feel in control of your business again.
See some real progress and be kicking business goals.
Reap the benefits of an empowered and trusted leadership team.
Develop a strong culture where the business lives its values.
Have a living strategy with a process for implementing it — not a 20-page document that sits on the shelf.
Have more clarity about your own succession journey.
Be the owner of a resilient business here the value resides within that business, and not just within yourself, enabling you to step away.

What does it involve?

The ADAPT by Design journey looks like this:

Let’s have a chat

Reach out for a FREE discovery call so we can see if we’re a good fit to work together.


Conduct organisation review

The starting point is an Organisational Review which is a comprehensive review of your business that considers:

Alignment of the owners: Are you all on the same page with your vision for the business?
How effective is your leadership team?
The ‘fit’ of the leadership team considering underlying motivations and levels of satisfaction. We use DiSC profiling and a bespoke survey tool to do this.
Feedback from your employees on how well the business is currently performing across all dimensions. We use a bespoke survey tool to do this.

As a result you’ll receive a report which includes

Insightful data on aspects like culture that you have probably never measured before.
Objective insights and observations from an experienced business coach who has >15 years executive leadership experience within a founder-led family business in WA.

When given the chance to work with Debbie again didn’t think twice.

“I worked closely with Debbie on a number of projects to which she brought her extensive business knowledge and experience. I really valued her clarity of thought and sage, candid advice. She was collegiate, fair and honest in her dealings with others, I enjoyed working with Debbie and when given the chance to work with Debbie again didn’t think twice.

Now as a business coach Debbie is supporting the development of the executive leadership team, helping us think not just strategically about the business but how we can implement that strategy. Her insight and perspective has been and continues to prove to be invaluable.”

Matthew Maxted

Client Manager | Abbott Native Title Trustees

As a coach, Debbie has been instrumental in helping us start our Adapt by Design journey.

She has shown, patience, understanding and great coaching ability in helping us bed down a new team using Adapt, and has struck just the right balance in supporting, challenging, and keeping us on task as we progress the Adapt journey.

Chris McLoughlin

Managing Director, Greenbase