Introductory 1-hour online information session:

"Make friends with your numbers"

Who is this session for?  

This free introductory session is for those from a non-financial background but who have touchpoints with the financial side of the business. It’s perfect for you if:


You think of yourself as “not a numbers person”.
You’d like a taste of the Colour Accounting Learning System ™ before participating in the Let’s Talk Finance™ one day workshop.
You’re struggling to find the time right now to attend the one-day workshop.
You’re keen to know more to assess the suitability for financial literacy development within your own organisation.

What will you walk away with?  

More confidence around the numbers side of the business.
An understanding of some of the basic accounting concepts and terms in plain English.
An understanding of the importance of the balance sheet and an insight into how it talks to the profit and loss account.
Know if the Let’s Talk Finance ™one day workshop is suitable for you.

“There are not many people
that can make finances for non-financial people
a fun and interesting topic.”

 – Jane Chilcott, CEO, Linkwest