Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Consulting

Supporting owners and leaders of private business and not-for profit organisations with strategic CFO services  

Strong financial management is at the heart of any successful business

 Would you like financial knowledge and tools to build a more resilient business?


With 25+ years expertise in senior financial management roles, I will open your eyes to best practice financial management and governance.

 You’ll receive expert advice from a qualified professional with hands-on experience of leading high performing finance teams — someone who understands the nuances and challenges of managing the finances within private business and not-for-profit organisations.


    Do you…

    Feel like “the wheels are falling off” in a financial sense?
    Have the desire to grow, but you’re conscious that the business is not in a position to do so because the financial processes are not strong enough?
    Feel vulnerable because you’re not from a financial background and you don’t know what you don’t know, but sense it could be better than it is?
    Have some level of dissatisfaction with the service you’re getting from your finance team (be that internal or external)?
    Know the business isn’t in the position to employ a high calibre senior finance person now, but right now the business needs access to someone for objective and discrete advice?
    Need someone to hold your hand as you work through some financial challenges in the business, that are a bit beyond the scope of your finance team?

    To run a successful business, you need to have your fingers on the pulse of the numbers. 

    Have you ever been in the situation where you’ve had a significant tax liability at the end of the year that you were not aware of, and you didn’t have the funds to pay for?

    If so, you won’t make that mistake again and I am sure you’ll now be keeping a close an eye on your tax liabilities.   I continue to be surprised how many business owners rely largely on how much cash they have in the bank as the primary indicator of their financial performance. They may (or may not!) see a profit and loss account monthly, but do not really understand it well enough to ask any sensible questions. Their understanding of the balance sheet is that it’s an accounting thing that the accountant deals with at the end of the year! 


    Understanding your numbers empowers you to make informed decisions leading to better business outcomes.

     Armed with the right financial insight, you’ll minimise the rude shocks and you’ll be able to be
    pro-active in responding to what the numbers are telling you.


      Let’s have a chat

      Reach out for a FREE 15-minute discovery call so we can see if we’re a good fit to work together.

      Verse Group engaged Debbie to conduct a financial health check. 

      Having worked with Debbie in her past life as a CFO, we knew that we could rely upon her to open our eyes to what we didn’t know, be objective and most importantly be upfront and honest with us. We knew we needed to make some adjustments and improvements, to our processes and mindset. Debbie’s insights and recommendations have enabled us to make some of the changes that were necessary to help achieve our strategic objectives.

      Phil Jones

      Co-Founder and Director Verse Group

      Thankfully, Debbie came along a few months ago and has been having a big impact.

      We are a 55 year old family business and have grown significantly in the past ten years. This has come about through a strategic focus on sales, marketing, HR and operations, however, we hadn’t taken a strategic approach to finance.

      With Debbie’s excellent coaching and understanding of what it means to grow from a small business to a medium sized entity when it comes to reporting, financing, policies, systems and risk, we are now in excellent shape and can move forward knowing that we a strategy and guardrails in place. It has been a real pleasure to work alongside Debbie to draw on her insights and to observe the empathy that she shows when working alongside the long term members of our finance team.

      Stephen Armstrong

      CEO, Pacific Automation

      Debbie is multi-talented and has had to employ many of her talents to help us out in a time of great need.

      As an experienced CFO Debbie immediately offered to step in and help when I withdrew from my day-to-day financial functions, and we started an 8-month process to recruit a Business Manager. Without her expertise and level head we would have really struggled to keep the finance function on track

      Chris McLoughlin

      Managing Director, Greenbase Pty Ltd

      Why work with Debbie?

      My point of difference is that my clients tell me I have too much personality to be an accountant! I’m user- friendly, approachable and I use non-accounting speak that you can understand.
      I’m not a spreadsheet jockey or a bean counter. I’m strategic in my thinking which means I’m not here to do your accounts. I see the bigger picture, take a pragmatic approach and I call a spade a spade.  
      I’m independent of your accountant and can therefore be objective. I dare say my fees may be a little more attractive too!

      I know what I’m talking about

      Qualified chartered accountant for 25+ years.
      10 years involvement with the finances of hundreds of companies as an auditor with one of the Big 4 accounting firms across the UK and Australia
      15 years leading the finance function of a large privately owned group of residential building companies as the Chief Financial Officer
      12 years of strategic financial oversight as a non-executive director and Chair of Finance Committees of several not-for-profit organisations
      Operational management of the finance function of a few not-for-profit organisations.

      Where to from here?

      Improve Your Business with a Financial Health Check

      If you need: 

      Access to a high-calibre Chief Financial Officer.
      An objective pair of eyes to confirm what you’re sensing or advise you on what you don’t know.
      Help to identify where and how things could be running better financially.
      A different perspective than you’re currently getting from your accountant or finance team.
      An objective opinion on the financial position of the organisation and of the finance function or your finance team.
      Information and support that will enable you to make informed decisions that support the strategic direction of the organisation.

      I can help!

      A Financial Health Check involves:
      A discussion with you to establish your pain points within the finance function, your objectives for this review and your business objectives.
      A discussion with members of your finance team to gain their viewpoints and ideas.
      A review of your relevant financial information.
      A review of your relevant processes.
      Observations, recommendations and options for moving forwards

      After working with me you will…

      Have clarity on any issues within your finance function.
      Have a roadmap to resolve those issues.
      Feel confident that you have a solid understanding of the financial position of your organisation.
      Be in a position to make informed financial decisions that support your growth plans and steer you towards better outcomes, including enhanced profitability.
      Know what a high performing finance team looks like and what to expect from your finance team.

      Let’s have a chat

      Reach out for a FREE 15-minute discovery call so we can see if we’re a good fit to work together.

      Tailored CFO Consulting Services

      You’ll receive expert, objective advice from a qualified professional with hands-on experience of leading a high performing finance team, who understands the nuances and challenges of managing the finances within private and family business and not-for-profit organisations.

      If you need:  

      • Access to a high calibre CFO for objective and discrete advice. 
      • Financial management expertise within:
        ・Private business
        ・Family business
        ・Residential construction  
      • Support working through financial challenges in the business that are beyond the scope of your finance team.  
      • Support with developing your finance team to high performance.  

      Then I can help.

      Reach out for a FREE 30-minute no-obligation discovery
      call to explore how I can add value.