Did some very rewarding work with a client last week developing their Values. An on-line workshop with a small team using Google Jamboard was a whole new experience for me, but we got some fabulous outcomes. Values based leadership is such an important area for small business as it results in the team aligning with each other and consequently better productivity.
The importance of having values as a common ground to unify both employees and clients was a shared understanding. Real examples were given of living the values, reflecting acknowledgement of each other’s contribution. But equally recognising situations when it’s difficult to live the values. The Team came up with a host of “Ask Myself’ questions to enable them to check in if they are role modelling the organisation’s values in a variety of circumstances. This is all about developing values that are unique with a very specific meaning within this organisation. Values that can’t simply be replicated, stuck on the wall and apply to any organisation. Below is an example of what the Team came up with.
The outcome of these workshops will be to develop a Values Constitution for the organisation that everyone has been part of developing and buys into. This is the first step in embedding values into the organisation so that they are real, lived and everyone is held accountable to them.
I have been working with this client for a couple of months now using the ADAPT By Design methodology to develop their Purpose, Vision and Values. This client isn’t a Start Up but is not dissimilar to many organisations that start to see some “cracks”. Cracks that are reflective of poor foundations. The absence of a common understanding of Purpose and what the Organisation is aiming for with it’s Vision, and the lack of Values that serve to bind the Organisation together.
If within your business you would like to take a closer look at your Purpose, Vision & Values, or are seeing some “cracks” that you need to get to the bottom of, simply get in touch for a no obligation chat and let’s explore if there is anything we can work together on.